The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently launched a new micro-credentials website,, for students, employers and institutions.

Micro-credentials are alternative learning pathways directly aligned with Oklahoma’s most critical occupations, including health careers, IT, cybersecurity, advanced technology, teacher education and agriculture. In partnership with businesses and public colleges and universities, the State Regents have identified more than 70 programs and occupations where there is a vital need for micro-credentialing.

“UpskillOK is one of the most impactful ways public higher education supports Oklahoma’s workforce development efforts in real-time,” said Chancellor Allison D. Garrett. “For learners, the program provides a short-term, accredited postsecondary credential focused on a specific, verifiable career-critical skill or knowledge set. Businesses can tap into a skills-verified hiring pool and retain talent by upskilling existing employees through partnerships with local colleges and universities, helping them reduce hiring costs and adapt quickly to industry changes or shifting operational needs.”

Micro-credentials help individuals adapt and succeed, equipping both students pursuing a degree and current degree-holders with specific career skillsets, competencies, and knowledge that can be readily transferred to fill in-demand workforce needs. The new site empowers learners to create and grow a portfolio of career-focused skills and demonstrate those accomplishments with digital badges that document achievement. Students can search for micro-credential programs by focus area, campus or delivery method.

Through, Oklahoma public colleges and universities showcase micro-credential programs available to students and employees. Businesses can partner with our state system institutions to build custom training and professional development programs for employees, including stackable credentials that lead to valued industry certifications and in some cases, to degrees. The new site also enables employers to connect with candidates who have earned a micro-credential designed to meet evolving workplace needs.

For more information about documenting learning and demonstrating competency through micro-credential programs or to connect with an Oklahoma college or university poised to partner with your business to meet your unique employment needs, visit